Sometimes you don’t need an author box. There could multiple reasons.
Like in my case, I wanted to create uniformity across my blog posts. So I decided to hide it.
Hiding the author’s bio is fairly simple in most cases. You can check the customization options of your theme to disable the author box.
Or if you’re using Genesis by StudioPress you can hide it by:
Login to your WordPress dashboard > Users > Author Box > uncheck “Enable Author Box on this User’s Posts?”
But there is a possibility your theme doesn’t have an option like this.
Certain WordPress themes don’t allow hiding the author box.
For instance, Genesis Framework’s child theme, Maker Pro, forces the Author Box by using a separate code. So even if you uncheck the Author Box under users settings, the theme will override it.
In such cases, you can use a small CSS code to hide the author box.
Using the CSS Code
Login to your WordPress dashboard and open the customization settings under the Appearance menu.
Click on Additional CSS and add the following code:
.author-box {
display: none;
This CSS code works in all Genesis child themes. To make it work in your theme, you need to replace the author-box with the CSS class in your theme.
Here’s how to find the author box class for your WordPress theme:
Open a page on your website where the author box is visible. Double-click and open the Inspect Element tool. Or you can press the shortcut Option + Command + C.
Next, click on the Author Box you wish to hide. In the Elements tab, you’ll notice the class of your author box.
In my example, it is post-author.
So the code will be changed to:
.post-author {
display: none;
Keep in mind, the code will only hide the author box. It’s invisible to your eyes, but not to a web crawler’s eyes. It will be visible to Google crawlers.
Using WordPress Plugin
Alternatively, you can use a WordPress plugin called WP Meta and Date Remover.
Install the WP Meta and Date Remover plugin and proceed to its Content Settings section. Here you can choose to hide the author as well as the date from the blog posts.
This method will actually erase the Author box and its data from your website. It won’t be accessed by search engines.
These were the two best ways to get rid of author bio from any WordPress theme.
Let me know if you’ve any questions by leaving a comment below.
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